Ignition Interlock Installation | Rantoul, IL

Doc’s Auto Services
329 North Century Boulevard
Rantoul, IL 61866
Hours of Operation:
By appointment
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If you obtained a DUI charge in Rantoul and you’ve been ordered to install an IID device in your car, you might be feeling overwhelmed. Where do you start? ALCOLOCK has been providing Rantoul residents just like you with affordable, friendly, reliable ignition interlock installations and services for years. We know the process, we’re state-certified and registered, and we’re here to help you through the process.

IID Installation in Rantoul Has Never Been Easier

You can’t put your life entirely on hold for a DUI, and we understand that. Being convicted of a DUI can introduce a great deal of stress into your life. We’d like to make your ignition interlock program as easy as possible. As soon as we receive verification of your eligibility for the ignition interlock program, we’ll schedule your first appointment. Your ignition interlock installation can occur as soon as 48 hours after your call.

What Can You Expect from ALCOLOCK in Rantoul?

ALCOLOCK has built a reputation for being one of the best in the business. That’s because we pride ourselves on providing top-notch customer service, outstanding assistance, and ongoing support for our clients. We truly care about you as a person. For us, it’s about more than installing a device. It’s about making sure that you are equipped with what you need to complete your IID program successfully and reclaim your independence. Here are some of the things you can expect from your ALCOLOCK service provider.

  • Ignition interlock installation as soon as 48 hours after your call.
  • Certification for your records.
  • Training and a compliance manual to help you get through the program successfully.
  • Attentive staff members that are highly trained and ready to help you.
  • Monthly maintenance appointments – we’ll try to get you in and out in less than 20 minutes.
  • Affordable monthly plan options.  

What to Expect At Your First Rantoul ALCOLOCK Appointment

If this is your first ignition interlock appointment, you’re probably wondering what to expect. It’s normal to feel a little apprehensive, but don’t worry. At ALCOLOCK, we’re all about helping you understand your device and we’ll set you up for successful program completion. Most ALCOLOCK appointments start with an overview of your requirements and legal directives. We’ll make sure everything is carried out correctly.

Next, we’ll install your device and train you on how to use it properly. We’ll teach you about what to do and what to avoid in order to obtain the most accurate result every time you test. You’ll go home with a compliance manual that will go over everything we talked about and more. Use it to make sure that you’re always in compliance and within program guidelines.

Before you go, we’ll set up an appointment for your first regular maintenance appointment. Most programs will have you come in monthly so we can check the device and make sure it’s working properly and hasn’t been tampered with.

Then, we’ll see you again in a month or so. Your maintenance appointments should only take about 20 minutes. We know you’re busy, and it’s our goal to get you in and out as soon as possible so you can get on with your life.

The ALCOLOCK Rantoul Location

You can find ALCOLOCK Rantoul at the following address:

Doc’s Auto Services
329 North Century Boulevard
Rantoul IL 61866

We conduct ignition interlock installations by appointment only. You can call us to schedule your installation (or to validate your eligibility) at 1-888-786-1197.

We look forward to meeting you and helping you take the first steps on the path to driving independence and license reinstatement as soon as possible.

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