Chances are good if you were convicted of a DUI/DWI that as part of your sentence, you were placed on probation. There are a lot of conditions to probation, and it is up to you to meet those conditions so that you don’t face revocation of your probation and possible jail time. In the case of probation after a drunk driving conviction, one of your conditions of probation is likely to be that you comply with the ignition interlock program for your state. So you are wondering, does interlock report to probation?
The answer is probably. We can’t say for certain, because we haven’t seen your conditions of probation, but we can tell you that it is very common that we send all the information your ignition interlock device records to your probation officer. We may also send it to the DMV or some other governmental agency. It all depends on your state ignition interlock laws and the conditions of your probation.
What Your Ignition Interlock Device Records
You already know the basics by now — each time you want to start your car, you submit a breath sample for a startup test. Pass, and you can start the car. Fail, and the device locks you out. However, it gives you another chance to blow a clean sample in a few minutes. There is also an in-between result, where the device gives you a warning, but lets you start the car. This will happen if the device detects a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) above 0 but below the state setpoint (generally .02-.025) that indicates test failure.
Your device records everything, including:
- Startup test results with an exact BAC
- Rolling retest results with an exact BAC
- If you attempted to keep driving after failing a rolling retest
- Date and time of day of each test
- Your location at the time of each test if the device is GPS-equipped
- Your picture at the time of each test if the device is camera-equipped
- If you tried to have someone else take the breath test for you
- If you tried to disable or remove the device
- Whether you made it to a required service visit
- If the device entered permanent lockout
- If you are paying your service vendor as you should
- And more
That’s a lot of detailed information! Your probation documents will spell out what will happen if you fail a certain number of breath tests. Most states give you a little bit of leeway at the beginning of your interlock program, to allow you to get used to using the device. But not all states do that, so read your program rules carefully.
If You Think You Should Not Have Failed a Breath Test
Before submitting a breath sample, we suggest that you wait at least 10 minutes after eating and rinse your mouth out with water. This is because certain foods and medications contain enough alcohol for the device to register it.
If you haven’t been drinking and you fail a startup test or rolling retest, you should notify your probation officer right away. You should also notify your ALCOLOCK™ service center, and possibly your DUI lawyer.
Schedule Your Ignition Interlock Device Installation
Your ALCOLOCK™, ignition interlock device installation is just a phone call away. Enter your zip code or city to find the location nearest you. Then call the service center most convenient for you to schedule your IID installation appointment. You can also call ALCOLOCK™ directly at (866) 700-9300 and we will help you get scheduled.
Plan on having someone drive you and your vehicle to your appointment. You can expect it to last for about an hour. Once the technician installs the interlock device and trains you on how to use it, you will schedule your first service visit. Then, you are free to drive, according to the rules laid out in your restricted driving program. You will have a user’s manual to refer to if you have any questions. You can also visit our Support page for Interlock Troubleshooting Tips, or call us for help.
A Note About Interlock Service Visits
Service visits are mandated by state law and will last about 20 minutes. Depending on the state you live in, you will need to come in for regular visits every 30-60 days. Your restricted driving program documents will detail all of that, and your technician can answer most of your questions as well.
At each service visit, the technician will transmit all of the information the device has recorded to your monitoring agency, (the courts, the DMV) which will likely include your probation officer. In addition, if you fail a certain number of tests or attempt to remove the device, we are required to notify your monitoring agency as soon as possible.
If you follow the rules of your restricted driving program, you will complete it in the fastest time possible.